
What Workout Style Fits YOU?

Say the word workout in a crowded room and you will be met with a myriad of responses.  From love to hate and everything in between, working out will never be the same experience for everyone.  But your approach to this loved and loathed act will most likely determine the degree to which you are successful.


Business vs. Pleasure

Some people look forward to going to the gym, have a specific plan and do not deviate from that plan for ANY reason whatsoever.  During a workout they track every exercise, repetition and weight that is completed and in turn track their subsequent results.  On the other hand, many people are not as meticulous when it comes to the gym and go to simply get away from life for even the shortest time and enjoy the gym.  No matter the exercise being completed or machine being used they just want to sweat a little and move on.


Focused vs. Social

There are those gym goers like myself that are very focused on the workout they are doing almost to the point that the gym could be burning down and they may not notice.  They do not enjoy training with others and push themselves in ways that very few understand and want to take part in.  The flip side, there are those who go to the gym with a partner or even go to meet a group of friends.  They enjoy workouts with many like minded people who pretty much have the same goals and push each other to get there.  The group mentality really appeals to them and keeps them motivated.

There are sure to be many variations to the above mentioned circles of fitness enthusiasts but the key is for you to find the workout style that best fits YOU!  Finding the style that will keep you on a consistent path toward your goals is much easier said than done.  The faster that you can identify the workout style that fits you the sooner you can build upon that behavior and create a lifestyle that will last for a very long time.

EVERY style listed above can work as long as REALISTIC expectations are set from the very start and some measure of accountability is in place.  Just to be clear, no one style is better than the other on its surface and the best one is the one that you actually stick to!

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