
Love You Some You!

After having a conversation with a client about losing weight I decided to conduct somewhat of a social experiment amongst our ladies.  I began by pulling one client at a time aside and the experiment went as such:

  1. I stated that I was conducting a little social experiment
  2. I asked her this exact question, “Physically speaking, what is one thing that you like about you?”

I patiently waited for the answer and have been met with a variety of responses.  Upon receiving their response I let them know that their exact response was not as important as how long it took them to answer the question at all.  The sad fact is that so many people but especially women can easily tell me at least one thing that they DO NOT like about themselves without hesitation but when it comes to what they DO like it is a much more challenging proposition.  I found out during my study that the trouble comes from the following sources:

  1. They are caught off guard by the question because they don’t ever get asked that question
  2. They don’t want to feel like they are bragging about themselves
  3. They NEVER really think about it

The moral of the story is that we should all find something about ourselves physically that we like and celebrate each day.  No, you don’t have to go around yelling it from rooftops although that would be awesome but you should keep it at the forefront of your mind.  The world is a tough place to wake up to each day and being constantly bombarded with images of what you are supposed to look like and always feeling like you don’e measure up can take a toll.  Being comfortable enough in your own skin to love at least one thing about yourself will keep you in a good place mentally no matter what each day brings.

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