We are all motivated by various reasons to adopt a healthier more fit lifestyle. From personal medical situation to upcoming class reunion our reasons differ but the desire to become a better version of you is the same. No matter how you’ve come to the conclusion to start the only way to truly be successful is to show up every day on your own terms. Now don’t get me wrong, your own terms doesn’t mean make it up as you go and HOPE that things work out the way that you want them to in the end. You need to have a defined plan that you can begin, assess and adjust as time goes on.
Don’t Recreate the Wheel
Showing up and doing the right things consistently is hard enough. Why not make them easier on yourself by find out what someone who inspires you did or is doing and use that information to get you to where you want to go? Chances are that if they are in any way successful they have had pitfalls and successes and knowing the things to avoid and to accomplish will only make your life that much easier. Don’t worry, it is NOT stealing and even if it is there is still no shame in it!
Now this doesn’t mean that you need to attempt to do things EXACTLY like they did or do as you have no idea if that will work for you. Can you commit to their schedule? Can you work as hard as they can? Are you willing to sacrifice what they have? Lastly, are you patient enough to know how long you will realistically expect to take to meet your goals?
Their results look awesome on paper or on social media but when you begin to read the recipe you may find that you are not willing to pay for the ingredients to obtain their lifestyle! At the same time, why limit yourself to what they’ve been able to achieve? Did you ever think that you could do BETTER than they did and become the inspiration for someone else?
At the end of the day you are only as good as the plan that you put in place and actually follow. The best results come when you train to the swing of your own kettlebell!