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Great Expectations Need Consistent Effort

The health and fitness results that you enjoy are directly correlated to the amount of effort that you put in on a daily basis.  Yeah, I know that sounds like a no-brainer but far too often the level of expectation far exceeds the amount of effort that is actually given.  You will continue to be what you are if you continue to do what you are or have already been doing…sound familiar?  

It seems like such a simple concept but it is so difficult to adopt and continuously succeed at daily.  Adding some sort of fitness routine to your life is a great start and you will eventually be rewarded.  But you will need more than a couple of workouts under your belt to make a real lasting change.  You need to complement that increased activity with better overall nutrition.  I said BETTER, and not perfect nutrition because there is no way that you should be expected to be perfect.  And I don’t mean slightly better unless you are only looking for slightly better results.

In actuality, it doesn’t take a lot of complicated steps to get healthier and become more fit.  Be active on a regular basis which means do the active things that you actually LIKE to do and do them often. Give your body above average nutrition most of the time…again not PERFECT but better should be the norm and not the exception. Lastly, repeat that FOREVER!  It’s just that simple…until you actually have to do it on a daily or weekly basis.  I left out a very important piece of the puzzle…you must PLAN your actions in some way or subject yourself to willpower which is a losing proposition. Willpower is like money, you never seem to have enough of it…especially when you need it the most.

From full on weekly meal prepping where you cook in bulk at the beginning of the week or simply planning your weekly menu there are many ways to get it done.  It all comes back to finding out what will work for YOU and your lifestyle which comes back to the amount of effort that you put in.  I’ve prepped meals for lunch and dinner for Monday through Friday each week. I’ve also planned meals for the week and cooked a few times during the week. The key is figuring out what works well for you and sticking to it.  The point is to come up with something!

Winging it just won’t cut it if you want to seriously change the way that you’ve been living and the results or lack thereof that you have been getting.  Put in the effort with some level of consistency and your body will reward you.

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