
HERstory – Cindy S.

I’ve been putting off writing this story (probably like many of you) because I didn’t think there was anything unique about why I came to Aspire. But I recently realized while probably not unique, my fitness journey and partnership with Aspire is a story I’m very proud to tell. 

I’m came to Aspire about 7 years ago while on a weight loss journey. At the time, it was just that…a weight loss journey, not a fitness journey. I knew I wanted something more and I kept getting ads from Aspire and decided to go check it out. I actually subtly accosted someone walking out of the gym asking them what they thought of the gym and their experiences.  She was wonderful about sharing her experiences and was nothing but complimentary! I loved what I heard and I returned home immediately and booked a get to know you and evaluation with Anthony. Once we met, I knew this was where I needed/wanted to be and I’ve never looked back.  

Aspire has been a key to my physical health but also a huge influence in my emotional and mental health especially during the height of Covid! Covid was tough and resulted in some significant weight gain. But no matter my shape or size, I always receive the same support and encouragement from Anthony and the ladies at the gym.  Through the partnership with Aspire, I’ve gained confidence, camaraderie, developed relationships and support from a great group of ladies, not to mention strength and endurance! The past year has been one of renewed focus and Aspire continues to be the foundation to my progress. 

There are some major life changes ahead with a move to the mountains and away from the home we’ve occupied for 10 years. As I pack and lift  boxes and climb the stairs time and time again, I’m reminded of my progress and I’m so thankful to have found Aspire and developed the relationship with Anthony and so many amazing and inspiring women. 

  While I’m excited for the change ahead, I’ll miss Anthony and the relationships in the Suwanee location. But, I’m a thankful Aspire is growing as I’ll have the opportunity to take advantage of aligning with the new Cumming location to continue my wellness journey with the Aspire family.   

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