I was looking for an experienced, passionate and extremely knowledgeable personal trainer while a member at another gym and wasn’t successful finding anyone. One of my husband’s golf buddies highly recommended Coach Anthony because he is an outstanding results driven personal trainer that specializes in strengthening his clients’ golf game. That recommendation was as good as gold and that’s when my journey at Aspire began! I’ve been training with Coach Anthony for the past 10+ years.
My secret to success is working hard, being consistent, and never giving up. But at the same time having fun and dancing in between sets! I’ve been dealing with a few curve balls along the way such as thyroid disease and menopause, however, I continue to strive to make sure I show up and do my best.
I’ve maintained my motivation by continuing to set new goals, challenging myself and reviewing my progress on a regular basis. The coaches help me make adjustments as needed while staying committed and did I mention….dancing between sets?!?!
Keep rising to the top! Give it all I’ve got! Ain’t no half steppin’!! My best days start with working out at Aspire immediately after carpool. The positive energy and encouragement is the vibe I need and welcome every session!