
Meal Prep Made Easy – Brazilian Chicken Stroganoff

This is the Brazilian version of of the classic stroganoff dish. It contains chicken and mushrooms in a wine and cream sauce and served over rice instead of noodles.


PREP TIME: 20 Minutes

COOK TIME: 60 Minutes

SERVINGS – Makes 5

583 Calories, 67g Protein, 35g Carbs, 19g Fat


For the Stroganoff

•2 lbs of chicken breast

•1⁄2 sweet onion

•2 Tbsp garlic

•3 Tbsp olive oil

•1⁄2 cup dry white wine

•1 1⁄2 cups chicken stock

•1⁄2 cup tomato sauce

•1 Tbsp butter

•8 oz white mushrooms

•3⁄4 cup of plain greek yogurt

•1 Tbsp Dijon mustard

•1⁄4 cup chopped cilantro

•1 large bunch of broccoli

•2 1⁄2 cups of cooked rice



•Heat a skillet over medium high heat and add 1 Tbsp of olive oil.

•Pat the chicken dry with a paper towel and cut into strips around 1⁄4 inch thick, season the chicken with salt and pepper.

•Fry the chicken in the pan in batches to ensure the pan isn’t overcrowded and you achieve proper browning on the meat. Add oil as necessary. You don’t need to cook it all of the way through, just achieve proper browning on the meat.

•Dice 1⁄2 of a sweet onion while the chicken is cooking.

•After all of the chicken has cooked, set it aside and add another tablespoon of olive oil to the pan. Add the onion and garlic and cook for 5 minutes.

•Add the chicken back to the pan and pour in 1⁄2 cup of white wine. Cook until the wine is almost dis- solved and turn the heat to low.

•Add the tomato sauce and chicken broth to the pan. Partially cover the pan, turn the heat to low, and cook for 35-40 minutes.

•Heat a new skillet over medium-medium high heat. Add 2 Tbsp of butter to the skillet and sauté the mushrooms until brown and soft.

•Once your chicken mixture has cooked for 45 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and add the mushrooms, 3⁄4 cup of greek yogurt, 1⁄4 cup chopped cilantro, and 1 Tbsp of dijon mustard. Stir to incorporate.


For the Broccoli

•In a large pot, add 1 inch of water and steam the broccoli using a steamer basket. Cook on high heat, covered for 5-7 minutes or until the broccoli is soft.


For the Rice

•Cook enough rice to have 2 1⁄2 cups of cooked rice using your preferred method. 1 cup of un- cooked rice will yield around 3 cups of cooked rice.

This recipe makes 5 servings. Add 1⁄2 cup of rice to each container and split the chicken and broccoli evenly. If you have extra sauce remaining, pour it over the broccoli.

*Recipe taken from the Meal Prep Manual

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